The Garden Chronicles.
Once upon a time....
Just kidding.
What I'm growing so far:
One of the boxes, I've been growing peppers. Sweet bell peppers and spicy hot peppers and on top I have strawberries.

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Just kidding.
Chapter 1
For as long as I can remember I wanted to start a little mini garden on my beautiful deck I have at my townhouse. Certain parts of me have just been dying to grow something the taurus in me needs the earth and the Southern girl in me needs her tomatoes REAL tomatoes.
Finally, this summer it happened! My dad and I made these amazing little garden boxes and slowly but surely I started planting I even made a little herb tower which I'm so proud of. Thank you Pinterest.
I was little scared at first because I literally didn't know what I was doing, so I spent a lot of time on Pinterest, researching, and reading blogs trying to figure out what was best to grow, how I was going to do it, and if I could do it.
So this is a story all about how my deck got flipped-turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there and tell you how I got my deck looking like a Deck in Bel Air.
In Southern California, where I was born and raised in the kitchen as well spent most of my days. Cooking out maxin' relaxin' all cool and baking some cookies right after school.
When I got a lingering thought "hey my deck can be cool" I should grow something yummy and be sustainable too.
I pulled to Home Depot about 4 or 5 and I yelled to my daddy hurry time flies I looked at the selection I saw was there, it's finally time to turn my deck into the deck of Bel Air.
What I'm growing so far:
My herb tower has two kinds of basil, thyme, oregano, parsley, dill, cilantro, and Rosemary.
In my topsy-turvy I'm growing four different types of tomatoes and I also have a pot of tomatoes.
* Sidenote: If you want more specific details on the herbs and vegetables that I'm growing, Take a look at my Pinterest board for "My garden" it has a specific type.
I also started my own little compost. That's been really fun. I can't wait to see the results of that, but that's more of a long game thing. So not only am i growing my own food by composting I’m reducing my waste. Using my skills i learned in my Sustainability class.

So because gardening and composting are long processes I though I would start a mini blog about my adventures. Oh boy do i have stories for you!! So stay tuned for updates and see how this new venture goes.
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